Tuesday March 31st


“Warm Up:
Jog or Row 800m
10 Windmills
30 sec Dead Hang from Pull Up Bar
10 Hang to Actives
5 Pull Ups
10 Russian Kettlebell Swings
10 American Kettlebell Swings

For Time:
1000m row / 800 m run
21 Kettlebell Swings
21 Pull-ups / Ring Rows / Plank position row with DBs
750m row / 600m run
15 KBS
15 Pull-up
500m row/ 400m run
9 Pull-up

Cool Down:
1 min each side Thread the Needle
1 min each side Couch Stretch
1 min Forward Fold”


Run for two min
2 Rounds:
10 each side “”Shoo the Chicken””
20 High Knees
20 Butt Kickers
20 Calf Raises
10 each side Ankle Rotations
10 Samson Lunge
5 Burpees

2 Rounds
1 mile Run
50 Burpees

Cool Down:
2 min Seated Forward Fold
1 min each side Couch Stretch
1 min each side Foam Roll Calves”


3 Responses
  1. Ashley

    14:23 w/ running and 35# kb

    I think my 800 and 600m loops were a little long and my 400 loop was a little short 🤷‍♀️