Wednesday April 1st

“Warm Up:
2 min Jog or Row
10 Inch worms
10 each side Single Leg Deadlifts
10 each side Donkey Kicks
10 each side Samson Lunge
2 Rounds:
5 Tempo Deadlifts (5 sec down, 5 sec up) with Barbell
15 sec Handstand Hold

Work Up in weight slowly to the weight for workout

For Time
45 Deadlift 225/155 (Don’t exceed 65% of Deadlift)
45 Handstand Push-up
Split however

Cool Down:
1 min each side Couch Stretch
1 min Foward Fold
1 min each side Shoulder Opener against wall”


no Equipment
“Warm Up:
-Tabata (20 sec work: 10 sec rest)
High Knees in place

– 10 Scorpion Stretch
10 inch worms
10 Tricep Stretch and Lean
10 sec Handstand Hold
2 Rounds:
10 sec Handstand Hold
5 Push Ups
5 Chair Dips

Home “”JT””
For Time:
Handstand Push Ups
Chair Dips
Push Ups

Cool Down:
1 min each side Shoulder Opener on wall
1 min each side Figure 4 stretch
1 min each side Couch Stretch”


7 Responses
  1. Ashley

    8:37 rx

    Pretty much my 2 least favorite movements. Did 9rds of 5 each and basically treated it like an EMOM until rounds 8 and 9.

    HSPU are tougher when you’re trying to not kip too aggressively because your HSPU wall is also your neighbor’s living room wall 😂😂

  2. Jeff Schmidgall

    Oh snap, did I just beat Bill by one second?! Lol!

    Too funny Ashley…totally missing the luxuries of our gym.

  3. Rachel Stelting

    This one was more fun than I anticipated! Love it when that happens. Which is not often!
    7:24 155/box