Thursday April 9th

500 M Row
2 Rounds
10 Med Ball Squats
6 Step Ups
4 Tuck Jumps
Wall Balls
Cal Row

12/10 Cal Row
12 Wallball
12 Box Jumps
-1 min rest between rounds-”

No Equipment


3 Rounds
12 Lunges
12 Tuck Jumps
12 Plank Shoulder Touches
6 Handstand Kick Ups

“6 Rounds:
30 sec Handstand Hold or Handstand Walking or High Plank
30 sec Right side Plank
30 sec Left Side Plank

Find a Pull Up Bar!
4 Sets of 7 of your hardest version of pull ups”

8 Responses
  1. Jeff Schmidgall

    I’m back from my brief hiatus of digging post holes.
    Subbed stupid burpees for the Row
    Last round was mental.

  2. Ashley

    11:47 rx (with the tiniest area possible to minimize transition time haha)

    I honestly almost threw up. And almost ate shit on the box jumps

    Actually I might still throw up 🤢

  3. Terrean Schmidgall

    Did Jeff’s silly burpee modification. 11:19 (without
    the rest minutes) and did step ups.

  4. Carlos Q

    I have a Rower, but no wallball or box for jumping, so I subbed:
    12 thrusters with 20 lb dumbbells for wallballs
    20 Russian kettlebell swings with 70 lb for box jumps

    15:48 of sheer fun