Thursday – 16 MAY



30 min AMRAP

Buy in: 1 mile Run with Plate 45/35

AMRAP with rest of time
10 Burpees
12 Jumping Squats with Plate
14 Jumping Lunges with Plate
16 Russian Twists with Plate
18 Double Unders
20 Cal Row

Today we will make friends with our plates. We have a 30 min clock running for the day. To start, we will run a mile with the plate of our choice. When you get back from the mile, whatever time is left on the clock will be how long your AMRAP is. Try to keep moving through each movement. They should be short enough so that you can always be moving. The best way to hold the plate on the run is probably somewhere on your shoulders. During the AMRAP, a hugging position is probably best for the jumping movements. Scale as needed.