Saturday Oct 10th

Happy Birthday ELI

Partner WOD (each person completes the round, i.e., Partner A does round 1, Partner B does round 1; Partner A does round 2, Partner B does round 2; etc.)
Round 1
10 Snatches 95/65
24 Box Jumps
Round 2
8 Snatches 105/75
20 Box Jumps
Round 3
6 Snatches 115/85
16 Box Jumps
Round 4
4 Snatches 135/95
12 Box Jumps
Round 5
2 Snatches 155/105
8 Box Jumps

Partner WOD
5 Rounds Each (both do the movement before moving to the next)
6 Dumbbell Thrusters
8 Push Press
12 Cal Row
24 Jump Ropes

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