Saturday July 2nd


For Time (with a Partner)
10 Power Cleans (225/155 lb)
1,800 meter Run (together)
273 Double-Unders
82 Lateral Burpees over Bar
55 Deadlifts (225/155 lb)
130 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)

“UPL;FT” was designed by James Wise @james_wise23, CF-L1 and founder of UPL;FT @upl.ft, as a suicide awareness workout. Wise said he has struggled with depression/anxiety and mental health struggles most of his life.

He faced the lowest of lows and admits to having many thoughts of suicide in the past. After his years of struggling and feeling alone, he says he finally took control of his mind and is now in the place to help others. James started “UPL;FT,” an organization with the goal of creating a community where people feel safe and to help spread awareness around mental health.

I want others to know that they are NEVER alone and they can get through their struggles. I want more conversations to come up around the topic and make it normal to talk about so we as a whole can help end this stigma.

The “i” in “UPL;FT” is a semi-colon because a semi-colon is a symbol for mental health. A semi-colon represents a continuation and not an ending, as it does in a sentence.

This workout was first performed at Crossfit 103 in Staten Island, New York where James is one of the coaches.

The reps scheme signifies:
– 10 Power Cleans for suicide being the 10th leading cause of death in the United States
-1800-273-82-55 reps for the suicide hotline number
– 130 Wall Ball Shots for the 130 Americans who commit suicide every day.


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