Friday April 24th

warm up

400 m run

10 step ups

10 air squats

10 wall ball thrusters

then 3 rounds not for time

3 wall balls

3 box jumps


Run 400m
30 box jump 24/20
30 wallball 20/14#, 10/9′ ”

no Equipment

warm up

400 m run

10 lunges

10 air squats

10 odd object thrusters

3 rounds not for time

3 thrusters

3 tuck jumps

Run 400m
30 Tuck Jump
30 odd object thruster”


if you don’t have a odd object do tuck jumps and the squat jumps

6 Responses
  1. Terrean Schmidgall

    28:12 for 4 rounds. Got too hungry to do 5 rounds. 😆 And thought my legs were gonna die. Did box step ups instead of box jumps.

  2. Rachel Stelting

    What a beautiful day to do this workout!

    Finished in 30:33 with 18in box jumps and 20# med ball thrusters. I jammed out to some James Brown tunes to keep me moving at a steady pace. I see lots of extra carbs for recovery today. Lots of em.