Workout 6/29/2015


For those of you who care… this week is a deload week. We have been doing a strength cycle of 5×3’s of hang squat snatches and cleans starting high in the hang and progressively moving lower each week. This week we will be doing light 3 position snatches and cleans. The goal of this strength cycle is to get everyone PR’s on their snatches and cleans. After this week we will be testing 1RM’s on both lifts. Enjoy the rest week, and think about your impending personal records soon to come!

SS: 5×1 3-position Squat Snatch (power position, top of knee, ground)
Work up to 75% of best set of 3 in previous weeks.

WOD: On a 15 minute clock:
5 Minute AMRAP
50 Lateral Bar Jumps
5 Curtis P’s 135/95 ADV: 155/105

Rest 4 minutes

6 Minute Amrap
5 Bar facing Burpees
10 Deadlifts 135/95 ADV:155/105
5 Shoulder to OH 135/95 ADV: 155/105

*Curtis P= 1 Power Clean+1 Front Rack Lunge each leg+ 1 Push Press
*Lateral Bar jumps should be a 2 footed jump and landing. Don’t step over the bar. JUMP!
* Score is total reps for both AMRAP’s.