Wednesday March 25th

Warm Up: Squat Therapy:
Squat while facing a wall and try to get as close to the wall without touching it. Go for 3 Sets of 10 squats.

Wall Ball Warm Up: 2 Rounds:

5 Wall Ball Front Squats

5 Wall Ball Front Squat Jumps

5 Wall Ball Shouler Presses

5 Wall Balls


Push Up Warm Up:

2 Rounds: 5 Scapula Push Ups

10 sec Upward Dog 10 sec Downward Dog

2 Push Ups (knees or on a raised surface if needed)


Strength: 3x 1 min max effort push-up, rest as needed between attempt (knees or on a raised surface if needed)

WOD: For Time

: 30-20-10


Wall Balls

Cool Down: 1 min each side Shoulder Opener on wall 1 min each side Figure 4 stretch 1 min each side Couch Stretch

“Warm Up:
Squat Therapy:
Squat while facing a wall and try to get as close to the wall without touching it. Go for 3 Sets of 10 squats.

2 Rounds:
5 Scapula Push Ups
10 sec Upward Dog
10 sec Downward Dog
2 Push Ups (knees or on a raised surface if needed)
10 Jumping Jacks

3x 1 min max effort push-up, rest as needed between attempt

Jumping Jacks

Cool Down:
1 min each side Shoulder Opener on wall
1 min each side Figure 4 stretch
1 min each side Couch Stretch”


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7 Responses
  1. Carlos

    Needed a Sunday workout, so I went back and did this one. 🙂

    Push ups: 32/21/22

    11:59 – burpees and 20lb dumbbell thrusters.