Wednesday – 13MAR


We just lost power. ALL CLASSES ARE CANCELLED. If you have questions, check the website, FB, Instagram, or call/email one of us (our numbers are on this site).


Strict Muscle Up Practice

This is time to work on the skill of ring muscle up. We will do a lot drills to help you learn the mechanics of a muscle up. Normal progressions in gymnastics involve learning the movements strict before kipping or advanced versions are added.


10 min AMRAP
12 Kettlebell Deadlifts
9 Kettlebell Swings
6 Kettlebell Shoulder to Overhead Left
6 Kettlebell Shoulder to Overhead Right

We will call this workout Kettlebell “DT.” There is a lot of time under tension with constantly holding a kettlebell, so do the best you can to not rest while holding the kettlebell. If the kettlebell is not on the ground, you should be making progress in the workout. You will just tire yourself out holding the kettlebell otherwise. You may use two different kettlebells if the Shoulder to Overhead portion will be too heavy.