Tuesday May 17th



Gymnastics Test

AMRAP 3 Minutes
Max Rep Strict Pull Ups

Rest 4:00

Then Continue to Part 2

Stimulus: Stamina
Rest: As Prescribed

Gymnastics Test

AMRAP 3 Minutes
Max Rep Push Ups

This is your gymnastics test for BL-2 AND BL-3, and will be re-tested at the end of BL-3.

Stimulus: Stamina
Rest: As Prescribed

12 Rounds
10 S-DB Lunge Walking Lunges 50/35lbs
8 DB Facing Burpees

DB may be held anyhow.

Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain


25 Min AMRAP
4 Push Ups
6 Pull Ups
8 Lunges Each Leg
1 Min Rest


power snatch + 2 ohs

12 sets building in weight each set
start at 50% of power snatch

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