Tuesday April 21st

warm Up

20 high knees

20 butt kickers

10 glut ham bridge

10 Superman’s with a 2 sec hold

10 huggers, arm circles , Brest strokes ( the swim movement )

10 empty barbell deadlifts

10 empty barbers shoulder to overhead

5 husband kick ups

5 handstand negatives

Build up to the deadlift weight doing 2 to 5 hand stand pushups in between weight jumps

Deadlift 225/155
Handstand Pushup

Extra credit:
Accumulate a 4 minute deadlift hold at the weight you used for Diane”

No Equipment

warm up

2 times through

20 high knees

20 butt kickers

10 glut ham bridge

10 Superman’s with a 2 sec hold

10 huggers, arm circles , Brest strokes ( the swim movement )

10 pushups

10 alt single leg dead lifts

If you don’t have a bumble use a book or a bag or a bag of books


Single leg deadlift (ea) with dumbbell
Hand release push-up”

5 Responses
  1. Ashley

    10:35 rx, which is probably a Diane PR for me because I hate HSPU haha

    And then it took me 8:10 to accumulate 4 min of DL hold. Ouch.

  2. Jo Williams

    7:50, 135# deadlift, HR push ups because my wrist is jacked right now.

    I did try 155# to start, then realized I’d probably die, so I started over at 135.