Thursday April 16th

Warm Up

3 min of jumping rope

10 narrow squats

5 burpees

10 up dog to down dog

10 shoulder touches

4 dumbbell high pulls each arm

4 dumbbell clean and jerk

4 dumbbell snatches

4 pistols

4 clusters

“50 Alt DB Snatch
40 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (switch every 5)
30 Burpees
20 Pistols (10 ea, alt)
10 DB Cluster (5 ea)”

No Equipment

3 min of jumping rope

10 narrow squats

5 burpees

10 up dog to down dog

10 shoulder touches

10 Lunges

10 v ups

4 pistols



50 Push-up
40 Lunge
30 Burpee
20 Pistol
10 V-up”

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