Tuesday – 23 JUN


16 min AMRAP
40 Russian KB Swing
30 KB Deadlift
20 KB Goblet Squat
10 KB Snatch (Switch arms every 5)

Core Accessory:

Not For Time:
50 V-up
50 Sit-up


Partner Workout:

3000m Row
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees
100 Wall Balls

30 min Time Cap

You may split up the workout anyway you please. Only one person works at a time. The time cap is aggressive. You will most likelynot finish. But see how much you and your partner can finish in the time allotted. This is our grinding workout of the week. Lets forge some mental and physical toughness.


Find a max Power Snatch from the hip

Find A Max Power Clean And Split Jerk

Then 3×2 of 70% of what you made.