Thursday – 9 JUL

Hierarchy of Athlete Development: Focus on conditioning and nutrition to build a base for your fitness to expand on.


5 Rounds for Time:
20/16 Cal Row
10 Deadlift 155/105
6 Hang Clean
4 Shoulder to Overhead
-1 min rest between rd-

This workout should feel like “DT” with a twist. Do not exceed 65% of your shoulder to overhead (push jerk) max.


12 min AMRAP
40 Box Step Ups (No Weight)
10 DB Clean and Jerks
20 sec L Sit Hold/ Knee Raise Hold (on Paralettes)

3 Rounds not for time:
10 on Each Leg Single Leg Hip Thrusts on Bench (pictured below)
10 Abmat Sit Ups (3 sec Negative

Weighted one-leg hip thrust exercise instructions and video


Agility Drills, Single Leg Work, Team Relays, and Optional Swim afterwards.

Bring Cleats if you have them. Bring a swimsuit if you have time after the workout.


Snatch Waves EMOM style