Sav Week 3

We are working on a new format for displaying wods. You can find the Daily Wod here.

Skill: 15-20 min. Handstand walk progression

For time:
800m Run
20 Ring Dips
30 Front Squats
20 Ring Dips
800m Run

Cool: Couch Stretch, Child’s Pose, Pigeon


Strength: 3×4 Working sets of Push Press
3×2 Heavy Push Jerk
4 min AMRAP: 12/10 Cal Row
10 Pull-ups
**Rest 2 Mins**
4 min AMRAP: 12/10 Cal Row
10 C2B Pull-ups


WU: 6 min of DU practice, Hip Mob, Roll-out
Warm-up to 70-75% BACK SQUAT

WOD: 16 min. EMOM

even min: 2 Back Squats (70-75%) + Max Burpees
odd min: REST
**score is # of burpees**

NFT: 3 sets of: 20 Hollow Rocks
20 Hip Ext.
10 Kip Swings (rings)

Skillz: 3x 15-20 Pistols

12 Knees-2-Elbow
6 P. Cleans (115/75)
3 P. Snatch ” ”

Cool: 200m JOG, Sit&Reach, Frog


With a 26:00 running clock:

Partner “Cindy Sammie”

16 min AMRAP:
100 Double-Unders
3 Rounds of “Cindy”
20 Shoulder-2-Overhead
*immediately after:
12 mins to find a Max Clean

***Cindy is: 5 pull-up, 10 push-up, 15 airsquat
**only one partner working at a time, split workout as needed.