Saturday – 8 JUN


Partner WOD

For Time:

12/10 cal row
10 Cleans* 135/95
12/10 cal row
8 Cleans 155/115
12/10 cal row
6 Cleans 185/135
12/10 cal row
4 Cleans 195/145
12/10 cal row
2 Cleans 205/155
12/10 cal row
1 Clean 225/165

*YES, they are squat cleans

You go, I go – both partners need to complete all the reps. While partner A rows, partner B rests. Then while partner B rows, partner A rests. Partner A cleans, partner B rests… you get the picture.

Scale weight accordingly – you have 6 rounds to end close to a one rep max.

If you are new and not comfortable with cleans, do either med ball cleans or front squats instead.

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