Saturday – 2 MAY

Hi everyone,
Here are the details for our Zoom workout scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday 5/2 at 10am. All you need is a computer or cell phone and some space, maybe a wall. We really want to see your faces, so even if you don’t want to workout, jump on the call just to say hi! Details are below, let me know if you have questions.
Also, no update from the County yet on guidance re. gyms reopening, but we have a robust plan in place to keep everyone safe when we reopen on May 11.  I will send out details early next week.

Join Zoom Meeting

Looking forward to seeing you!


Murph Prep
16 min AMRAP
10 Pull Up
10 Push Up
10 Air Squat
at 0:00, 4:00, 8:00, 12:00 – 10 Burpee

Zoom Workout:

Warm Up:
4 min AMRAP
2 Burpees
4 Scorpion Stretch
8 Jumping Jacks
12 Shoo the Chickens

Leg Burn:
4 min AMRAP with Partner
Air Squats (Switch However) (Go Fast)

Partner WOD:
2 Rounds For Time
40 V Ups
40 Burpees
40 Pistols/ Jumping Squats
40 Shoulder Taps
40 Pistols/ Jumping Squats
40 Push Ups
40 V Ups

18 min Time Cap

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