Saturday – 16MAY

CrossFit Longmont Family,

It has been so incredibly wonderful to see you at the gym! I have missed you and I have missed working out with you. The first workout back felt like I was coming home. I definitely push harder when I am there!

We need some feedback from you about how things are going (can you get into the classes you want? do you feel safe at the gym? can we do anything else?). Please indulge us by completing this very brief survey:

Please let us know if you are having any trouble signing up through Zen Planner. We are happy to help.

And here are the details for the Saturday Zoom Class at 10am.

Join Zoom Meeting

Much love,



V Up Competition

15 min AMRAP with a Partner

30 Pike Push Ups
60 Air Squats
30 Burpees
60 Jumping Jacks
30 Hollow Rocks
60 Sit Ups
30 Burpees

Switch as needed

Murph Prep

400m run
10 Pull-up
20 Push-up
30 Air Squat

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