Monday Jan 27th


min EMOM
3 Thrusters

7 Rounds:
12/10 Cal Row
5 Thruster 95/65
Max Lateral Bar Over Burpee with remaining time
1 min rest

For the strength, the thrusters should be heavy it is only 3 in 60 seconds so pick a heavy weight. Fight for each rep. You are strong. Let’s show the world.

The METCON is about speed, so go fast! Don’t stop! Only rest for the 60 seconds in between rounds. Stay low on the burpees. Your score is the number of burpees.

Kids Class
Work on Thrusters today drill the skill

Find a Heavy cluster + 1 thruster

4 Rounds
3 Min Amrap
10 Cal Row
5 Thrusters
10 Lateral Bar Burpees

1 Min rest

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