Friday April 17th


Warm up

10 pvc/broomstick pass throughs

10 pvc/broomsticks around the worlds

10 pvc/ broomstick overhead squats

10 hang to actives/ hollow body

5 barbell hang muscle snatch

10 kip swings/ hollow rocks

5 barbell snatch grip behind the head push press

5 Kipling knee tucks hollow body knee tucks

5 bar bell hang power snatch

5 toes to bar / v ups

Build up to the ohs weight 3 toes to bar or v ups every time you change weight



“Death by Overhead Squat 75/55

Rest 5-10 minutes

Death by Toe-to-bar (sub V-up)

In minute 1, do 1 rep. In minute 2, do 2 reps. … Stop when you can’t complete the work in a minute (i.e. you get 13OHS in minute 14). Cap at 20 minutes even if you haven’t failed.”

No Equipment

warm up is the same as above just use your broomstick

“Death by Air Squat or broomstick overhead squat (go up 2 each round, so 2,4,6.. instead of 1,2,3..)

rest 5-10 minutes

Death by V-up

In minute 1, do 1 rep. In minute 2, do 2 reps. … Stop when you can’t complete the work in a minute (i.e. you get 13 V-up in minute 14). Cap at 20 minutes even if you haven’t failed.”

3 Responses
  1. Anjali

    OHS finished round 17
    TTB finished round 14

    OHS finished round 20 🙂 and then cried for a minute
    Vups finished round 13

    Yikes, abs!!

  2. Ashley

    Finished all 20 OHS rounds

    Died somewhere in the round of 14 T2B. Was afraid I was going to rip my hands (more than they already are from snatches the other day) and almost broke my ankle coming off the bar onto the weight stack we use to jump up LOL