Friday – 29MAR



Build to a heavy of the Complex:

The 3 Position Clean:
High Hang Clean
Hang Clean
Low Hang Clean
(Hip, Top of knee, below knee)


2 min AMRAP
Thrusters 95/65
2 min AMRAP
Wall Balls

The STRENGTH portion of today is all about technique. You have more time today to work up slow and really dial in the timing of each position. You have to be progressively more patient as you move down your body. The tendency will be to miss the low hang clean forward because 1) you’re tired and 2) you rushed the pull and did not extend your hips all the way. All of these should be squat cleans before anyone asks.

Let it Burn! Let it Burn! Let it Burn! 4 min of Burn. Hold on to the bar/ball for big sets. For your first set of thrusters, try to set a PR on the number of unbroken thrusters you can do. Enjoy!