Adam Week 8


Thanks for the motivation over the past 8 Weeks guys! Hope everyone enjoyed it and hit some new PR’s along the way. Enjoy your holidays and eat ALL THE FOOD!!!!!

-Coach Adam

Adam Week 8

Monday Dec 21st

WU:    Row 30 Cal

Monster Walks (L/R)

10 Sotts Press BB/PVC

PVC Burgener

SS:      20 Min to Establish a 1 RM Snatch

WOD:                        Partner Row WOD

For Time:

Row 2000m

Partner A Max effort OH BB hold (135/95)

Partner B Row until Partner drops BB then switch

Tuesday Dec 22nd

WU:    5 Down + back Run

2×5 Inch Worm

5 Standing Vert jump for height


SS:      Deadlift 3RM

WOD:                        AMRAP 12

15 SDHP (95/65)

15 Pull Ups

15 Box Jumps (24/20)

Wednesday Dec 23rd

WU:    CC

SS:      5×3 Working sets Front Squat (med/heavy)

WOD:                        For Time

200 DU

100 Air Squats

80 Push Ups

60 RKBS (2/1.5)

40 Push Balls

20 DB Snatch (total) (55/35)


10 min to find a Max Squat clean + 1 FS