Adam Week 7


Adam Week 7

Monday Dec 14th

WU:    2 wall to wall run

2 x 10 second down 10 second up push up

Duck walk

2×10 light kbs

2×10 air squats

SS:      Back Squats 3RM

WOD:                        4RFT

500m Run

20KBS (2/1.5)

20Pull Ups

Tuesday Dec 15th

WU:    10 scap pull

10 shoulder touches

Burgener wu as a class

5 tall snatches (start with bar in hip, no dip just pull under)

SS:      Snatch High Pull + Hang Snatch above knee + 1OHS (1RM)

WOD:                        AMRAP 10

5 OHS (95/65)

10 Bar Facing Burpees

Wednesday Dec 16th

WU:    CC

SS:      Clean Pull lower to ground taking 6 sec + 1 squat clean + 2 FS +1 Split Jerk

WOD:                        “Elizbeth”


            Clean (135/95)

Ring Dips

Thursday Dec 17th

WU:    Row 500 easy(ish) pace

Banded hip/shoulder mobility

Handstand work then go into S.S.

SS:      5 Attempts @ Max Distance Handstand Walk

WOD:                        For Working Time

10 Deadlifts (245/175)

800m Run

Rest 1 min

8 Deadlifts

500m Run

Rest 1 min

6 Deadlifts

250m Run

Friday Dec 18th

WU:    Butt Kickers

High Knees

Bear Crawl

3 Rnds: 6 strict press, Push Press, Split Jerk

10 BB lunges Ea leg


SS:      Jerk Balance working to a heavy set of 2

WOD:                        EMOM 16

10 Snatch (95/65)

ME Box Jump (24/20)

10 OH Lunge total (95/65)

ME Rope Climbs