Workout 4/21/2015


SS: Push Press 1×5@50%, 1×5@60%, 1×5@70%, 6×6@80%

WOD: “3 Rounds for REPS”
1:00 ME HSPU ADV: Strict HSPU
-Then-(No Break)
3:00 AMRAP
7 Hang Power Clean+ Push Jerk 135/95
21 Lateral BB Jumps
Rest 1 Minute

*Each round is 4 minutes of work with the 5th minute being devoted to rest. Score is total reps athlete is able to complete in the working time provided during all three rounds

Warm up: with class

SS: Push Press 1×5@50%, 1×5@60%, 1×5@70%, 6×6@80%

WOD: “For time”
1 Mile run
2000 Meter Row