Wednesday 02.10.16


Teen Games Athlete, Alli Parks. 145 Snatch. 185 C&J. 130 BW. 5’4″


30 Calorie row

15 Scap Pulls

15 Deadbugs

15 Second HS Hold

15 Candle-stick rocks

EMOM 25 (5rds):

1- 14/11 Cal Row

2- 20 AbMat Sit-ups (OR 15 GHD SU)

3- 10 Pull-ups (Strict OR Kipping, your choice)

4- 10 KB Snatches (alternating, heavy) (Dumbell is a scale for the skill of KB snatching)

5- Rest

MOBY: You MUST mobilize for the remainder of class. Coach’s and Athlete’s Choice.

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