Friday, FEB. 9, 2018

E2MOM x 12 minutes:

2 Hang Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 1 Split Jerk

*Start clock when you’ve built to 60%, build by 10-20# total, each set. Do NOT exceed 80% of 1 RM.

On a 17:00 clock,

3 rounds for time:

10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

20 Pistols (alternating)

7 minute cap.

@ 10:00 begin

7 minute AMRAP of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, etc…

Power Clean & Jerk 135/95

Bar Facing Burpees

(Practice new standard)

*You should NOT push yourself to the point of ripping on pull-ups. If  you think you might rip, wear gloves or grips and/or simply do a variation: strict pull-up, bent over barbell row, ring row. 

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