Adam Week 3

bar path

Monday Nov 16th

WU: Runners Style WU Down and Back

Naked BB on knees squat/ankle stretch

3x 5 air squats

10 Jumping air squats

15 scissor lunge

SS: Back Squat 10RM


WOD: 3 Rounds

40 Double Unders

30 Wall Balls

20 calorie Row

10 Squat snatch 95/65lbs


Tuesday Nov 17th

WU: 3 Rounds

10 pass throughs

10 OHS

10 Push Ups

10 Sit Ups

10 Strict Pull Ups


SS: Work to a max for the complex:

1 Snatch High Pull, 1 Snatch, 2 OHS



1 Legless rope climb

12 OHS (95/65 )

12 Box jump-overs 24/20″


ACC: 3x ME A: L sit

B: 20 Hollow Rocks


Wednesday Nov 18th



SS: E2MOM 16

Start @ 60% 1RM SQUAT clean every other minute on the minute perform 1 SQUAT Clean, Then add 2.5-10lbs each round. (don’t set yourself up to max in minute 6!!!!


WOD: Metcon:  (Time Cap 20 minutes)

10 Power clean (135/95lbs)

1 Muscle-up

9 Power clean

2 Muscle-ups

8 Power clean

3 Muscle-ups

7 Power clean

4 Muscle-ups

6 Power clean

5 Muscle-ups

5 Power clean

5 Muscle-ups

4 Power clean

4 Muscle-ups

3 Power clean

3 Muscle-ups

2 Power clean

2 Muscle-ups

1 Power clean

1 Muscle-ups

* muscle ups are rings, if you plan on writing RX! Bar muscle ups are the next scale, specify when you write your score.


Thursday Nov 19th

WU: row 250 easy pace

10 bb RDL

10 Air squats

10 broad jumps for distance


SS: Sumo Deadlift 8rm


WOD: Sprint 400m

Rest 2:1

Run 800m

Rest 1:1

Sprint 400m

Rest 2:1

Run 800M

* for you speedy folks out there…remaining time after your WOD will be spent stretching/ rolling out.


Friday Nov 20th

WU: 800m run

Partner Front rack stretch

3×5 naked BB jerk Balance



SS: 5×3 working sets, Jerk Balance (med/heavy)


WOD: For Time

Row 1000m

15 Thrusters (125/85)

Row 1000m

10 Thrusters

Row 1000m

5 Thrusters